In recent days, we have followed the greatest natural disaster in the history of Brazil in terror!
Faced with such a situation, we cannot stand idly by! Fábrica do Projeto joins the campaign today to help ease the pain of victims of the disaster in Rio de Janeiro.
Since today, until day 31/01/2011, we will donate 40% of the rate of enrollment in the N3 FP Plan, of all new users registered in this period!
The accumulated total will be deposited into the account:
Southeast SOS Campaign (CNBB and Brazilian Caritas)
Banco: Caixa Econômica Federal
Agency: 1041
Operation: 003
Account: 1490-8
We inform you that the amounts paid are released only 15 days after confirmation of payment by pagseguro. This is a limitation imposed by Pagseguro, means of payment used by FP.
Be Solidarity! Be N3 FP!
"We can't go back and make a new start, but we can start now and make a new ending"!
little for us, can be everything for the brother! Thanks for Collaborating!