Month: July 2011

Project Requests 07/2011: Boat trailer projects,for motorcycle,and farm model

PROJECT: Boat trailer projects,for motorcycle,and farm mod FEATURES: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! No questions or queries will be answered. […]

Project Requests 07/2011: Projeto de auto socoro e de um poliguindaste

PROJECT: Estou precisando de um projeto de auto socoro e de um poliguindaste caso alguém algum projeto desses CARACTERÍSTICAS: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! […]

Project Requests 07/2011: Settling tank cleaning system project divided into 8 independent cells

PROJECT: Sistema de limpeza de tanque de decantação dividido em 8 células independentes CARACTERÍSTICAS: Temos aqui um tanque de decantação dividido em 8 independent cells. Estas células recebem o fluxo de água de arraste/resfriamento com carepa da Laminação (tarugos) e da Aciaria. Quando projetada, não foi pensado numa maneira de limpeza constante e/ou periódica. Depois […]

The Cube Project: How to live in 27m³

Every day, effective ways and policies of housing for the economically disadvantaged population are discussed.. Sustainable housing projects that are less harmful to the environment are also discussed. We present at Fábrica do Projeto a new housing concept, who practically enjoys 100% from projected space, or CUBE. “The Cube Project” is an initiative of […]

Project Requests 07/2011: Polycrane and Buckets Project

PROJECT: I want to know more about the double polycrane project. It can be manufactured in a truck repair shop and how much does it cost and if the manual is in Portuguese. Do you have a bucket project for 4 e 5 meters. Grateful. FEATURES: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed […]

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