Autodesk University Brasil 2011 : PARTICIPATE!

Welcome to Autodesk University Brazil!

Sim, the biggest meeting of design and project professionals, now in Brazil. You are invited!

Day 21 of September, at Expo Center Norte in São Paulo, o Autodesk University Brazil 2011 will meet at once and in one place:

  • High-level classes and lectures, focused on concepts, best project practices and use of autodesk technologies, based on the daily practical experience of leading companies in Brazil and the world.
  • Content divided by industry, providing aapprenticeship 100% directed to your need - and taught by leading professionals with real work experience.
  • Networking and exchange of experiences between autodesk community technology experts and their partners, experienced professionals in design and projects in your market and industry leaders!
  • Autodesk certification exams in Portuguese.

Join Autodesk Technical Evangelist, Lynn Allen, that will be present at Au Brasil 2011, And take this unique opportunity to increase your knowledge and make a productivity leap to you and your company!

What you will find at Au Brasil 2011

Intense content sessionsLearn techniques to use in your work.It doesn't matter if you project buildings, defines the intercontinental pipeline or animation of the next box office success, What you learn at AU has immediate utility.

High -level presenters
You will learn from the best professionals in the areas of architecture and construction, civil Engineering, Manufacturing, Industrial design, CAD Animation and Design and Management. Including Lynn Allen, Global Technical Evangelist of Autodesk.

Autodesk Community
Take a peek in the future. Learn more about the latest advances in project technologies, Find professionals with complementary skills to yours to exchange ideas and experiences, And talk to the autodesk community experts who are leading in their work areas.

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Check out who will be speaking in this great meeting:

Seated haubert
Instructor and consultant CAD in the market for almost 20 years old. Is n3 and founder of Cadklein, The largest free CAD portal in Brazil, with more than 21 thousand members. Author of Books and Courses by AutoCAD®. Associate Professional and Certificate AutoCAD and Revit Architecture.

Augusto Gonçalves
Civil and Postgraduate Engineering in Computer Engineering, He is a member of the Adn Devtech team and works at Autodesk in São Paulo. Specialist in APIs AutoCAD, Civil3d e revit. Before Autodesk, worked on CAD projects for engineering and e -commerce

Cadu Macedo
Industrial designer , Expert in Broadcast Design and Animation. He directed animated music videos and commercial movies for big brands, like Coca-Cola, Fiat, Lego, Tim e Nike. Em 2010, finished your first animated short film, baptized from "Sanambatowa".

Carlos Cabral Salles
Civil Engineer from Poly-USP, With experience at work, planning, technical proposals and implementation of new technologies, He led the adoption of CAD and computer graphics technologies at Schahin Engenharia and today works at Camargo Corrêa to adopt BIM in the company.

Carlos Leal
Civil engineer, by the University of Porto in Portugal, and Master in Structure Engineering from UFRJ, Carlos leads BIM's adoption in building structures projects, as the São Paulo State Cancer Institute and the expansion of Shopping Iguatemi in Campinas.

Fellipe Schazmann
Mechanical Production Engineer, and Commercial Director of the IDUGEL Group, also in charge of the company's innovation team, Works in the adoption of tools and techniques for using Autodesk software, creating ways to optimize the maintenance of industries and customers around the world.

Flavia Maritan
Architect by FAU in Passo Fundo-RS and postgraduate in interior architecture in 2009. Works as a BIM consultant, acting with project development and implementation of Revit Architecture in architectural offices.

Frederico Laguna
PSA Style Department Manager Peugeot Citroen in Brazil. Responsible for 3D modeling activities, Computer graphics and illustration for the Latin American branch. There is 13 Years have been working with automotive style and has developed a new process of validation and virtual visualization at PSA Latin PSA, Using Autodesk ShowCase software.

Guido Gallo
3D artist from 94, Specialist in Composition and Visual Effects. Tribbo Post Founder, dedicated to the post production of advertising and cinematic pieces. Postgraduate in Business Management and Technological Innovation (Espm) and Graduated in Social Communication (Espm).

Guillermo Melantoni
Architect and Architecture Teacher, Guillermo was AutoCAD® product manager at Autodesk headquarters and today is Product Manager for Autodesk suites technologies. Responsible for enhancements in free forms, Surface modeling, 3D no AutoCAD 2010 e 2011.

Hugo Giuberti Tavares
Architect and Urbanist with Scientific Initiation Project in Energy Efficiency in Buildings by UFES, ministered Revit Architecture training and acted in architectural offices as a software modeler and diffuser and diffuser. Today it acts as Bim Manager at Everest Engenharia.

Ivo Mainardi
Graduated from Fine Arts of São Paulo, Specializing in Revit and Families to Passages at Itamar Berezin Arquitetura, And currently at the office Aflalo and Gasperini, where it works with implementations of new technologies such as BIM.

James Wedding
Civil Engineer by Texas Tech, With almost a decade in infrastructure projects. Was president of the Preston Trail Chapter of the Texas professional engineers society. Conceptual presenter of Autodesk University and co-author of the best seller "Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D", joined Autodesk as a civil engineering technical expert in 2010.

Jay Ayala
AUTODESK AEC Solutions Engineer. It has more than 13 years of experience in the construction industry and 5 Additional years at Autodesk. Has training in piping and HVAC projects for commercial building. It is the image of the Autodesk Revit Mep line, including the site "Ask Jay" (Ask Jay) and regularly publishes videos of tips and tricks.

Joyce Delatorre
Architect by FAU - USP and Civil Engineer by Poly - USP, Works with BIM technologies. Autodesk certified professional, In the Engineering Method, is coordinator of the BIM Center and responsible for the implementation and management of the use of technology. Integrates the BIM-ESBEA Technical Group and the ABNT/CEE-134 Technical Committee on Construction Information Modeling.

Kátia Góes
Geographer and Environmental Analyst, Expert in Geographic Information Systems. Technical consultant in GIS projects from personnel training to data publication. currently, Linked to the IVIG-COPPETEC team, develops methods and analysis in geographical database and publishes books on the subject.

Leandro Barragán Castellanos
Mechanical Engineer from the Polytechnic of the Francisco José de Caldas District University in Colombia, with the specialty m automation, Control of processes and industrial plants, Work linked to Autodesk technologies and works as a technical consultant for Latin America on electrical projects with CIM-Team , and as an engineering software analyst at Cope de São Leopoldo (RS).

Luciana Klein
Founding partner of Cadklein company and certified professional in Autocad with years of experience, Member of the board of Augi Brasil and collaborator of the Autodesk Brasil community . Yet, Author of several books on Autocad, In addition to several articles in the specialized media

Luis Leonardo
Graduated in Advertising and Advertising from Unip Campinas, Minister Training in 3Ds Max, Maya, Mudbox and Motionbuilder by TecGraf and specializes in the preparation of models, commercial and short.

Lynn Allen
Autodesk Technical Evangelist, Famous for the unique style, relaxed presentation, She is the host of Autodesk University and the speaker with the most sought after class. Already wrote three books by AutoCad; The most recent is titled Autocad Professional Tips and Techniques and has an official Autodesk blog: Lynn Allen´s Blog.

Márcia Soares Rozetti
Architect and urban planner, by Fine Arts, from 1996 is an associated architect of Botti Rubin Arquitetos, where it develops and coordinates commercial building projects, Hospitality, Shopping Center and others

Marco Antonio De Azevedo
Industrial designer, acted 11 years at RBS TV, as Art Director of the Creation Center, with emphasis on computer graphics, 3D animation, motion graphics, Motion Design and Visual Programming. Has already performed hundreds of productions in 3D and 2D CG in RBS group companies in more than 14 years old. Teaches about 3DS Max on its own ATC in Florianópolis.

Civil engineer, Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of São Paulo, logistics expert, Execution and work planning, and consultancy for the implementation of CAD software in various offices in Brazil. With solid knowledge in BIM software, Acts since 2008 NA MHA ENGENHARIA LTDA, as an engineer and coordinating a BIM core.

Architecture and Urbanism from FAU/USP and partner of Contiier Arquitetura Ltda, Co-Author of the ASBEA CAD Project Interchangement Manual, Member of the ASBEA BIM Working Group and ABNT/CEE-134 Technical Committee member - Construction Information Modeling.

Nestor Guevara
Civil engineer, com 10 Years of Experience in Computational Modeling. Master in Structures and COPPE/UFJR with experience in structural analysis, Thermal, Fluid-Structure and Fatigue

Patrícia Oliveira
Designer designer at the Superintendence of Dec Studies and Projects - Infraero.professional with more than 10 years of experience in studies and infrastructure and geoprocessing projects.

Paulo Galvão
Professor Universitáriode Visual Communication and Advertising, Autodesk AEC certified expert, Training Coordinator in Tecgraf's architecture and multimedia areas.

Rafael Maccheronio
Architect and Urbanist from São Judas University, Specialist in Training and Consulting in the implementation of BIM technology and technical manager of Best Software.

Roberto Della Penna
Engineering Process Consultant, Integrated Manufacturing Systems and Computer Assisted Project. Skynet's technical manager and columnist in industry magazines.

Rui Furtado
Licensed Structures Designer at the Porto Faculty of Engineering, Portugal. AFA Founder - Engineering Consultants, Lda. More than 30 Years of experience and complex projects such as the Braga Stadium or Casa da Música in Porto. Winner in 2005 of the Secil Civil Engineering Prize - a Portuguese award for special structures projects.

Sergio Leusin
Architect , PhD in Production Engineering, Prof., Information Technology Researcher in Construction

Mechanical Engineer from the Piracicaba School of Engineering. Works at Mapdata there is 8 years old, Focused on analysis by finite elements recently started working directly with Autodesk Simulation, meeting the needs of companies in simulations.

Victor Herrera
Technical Expert in Animation and Special Effects, Autodesk em Media and Entertainment.

Wagner Siani
Civil engineer, specializing in water and sewage projects and with 20 Years of experience in GIS solutions (Geoprocessing) and FROSILLIO TENCNICAL CONSULTANT & Ferroni.

Autodesk University Brasil 2011 : PARTICIPATE!
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