Treadmill - Airport
Project description:
It was a high speed treadmill, ideal for long journeys (airports, large malls and hypermarkets). The belt assembly consists of 5 treadmills, being the first two mats 1 e 2 of acceleration, and the last two mats 4 e 5 of deceleration, see attached images. The proposal is that the mat 3 be 300% faster than conventional treadmills, i.e, 3x travel time reduction. User comfort is guaranteed, because the speed variation between the belts is the same as that of conventional belts and the floor.
See article showing that current moving walks delay travel: (Introduced in airports in the 1990s 1970 to increase the flow of passengers, moving walks can be more of a hindrance than a help. Two American studies suggest that these moving surfaces tend to slow down the journey even more., by causing people to walk more slowly and on top of that obstructing traffic. The most recent research was conducted by Manoj Srinivasan, from Princeton University. Through two mathematical models, the scientist showed that people delay walking on treadmills to minimize energy expenditure. Thereby, even with no one in the way, the time gained in a stretch of 100 meters is just 11 seconds . Srinivasan's study, published in New Scientist magazine, reinforces Seth Young's conclusions, from Ohio State University. The researcher observed that passengers at San Francisco and Cleveland airports walked much more slowly on the treadmills and, possibly, obstruct the passage. "Walking on moving walks is the only means of transport that ends up slowing people down.", disse Young, according to a report by The Daily Telegraph.) getty/see. As we are a mechanical engineering projects only company, we don't manufacture the designs. So we are selling this project, or his performance rights, for potential interested, who are already manufacturers of moving walks or escalators. (61) 3083-8414 the form below and send your inquiry to receive a budget for this project:
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FP Projects: Treadmill – Airport