FP Project Request
I need a forest claw project, com 1 piston, let her stay 1 meter and 60 cm open.
Requested Project – Electric Chopeira |End Day 10 Apr 19|
FP Project Request
I would like to know if you develop a project for a small Electric Chopeira, My idea is to develop the project and then manufacture the beer cooler….
Requested Project – 6x2m CNC plasma cutting machine |End Day 30 Apr 19|
FP Project Request
cnc plasma and oxyfuel cutting machine,
I need the project all detailed with specifications, use of servomotors and optical limiters
Cut Thicknesses:
1.11.1. Plasma Hypertherm 105A…
Requested Project – Derrick Crane |End Day 31 mar 19|
FP Project Request
Load lifting and lifting equipment,to work on top of buildings.
winch pull 3 tons,for greater lifting capacity use multipliers.
Approximate building height 80 meters.
Chassis,lattice boom,winch…
Professor Mechanical Projects: UFMG will have contest with salary of up to R$ 9,5 mil
A Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) disponibilizou o edital de abertura de um novo concurso público. O certame tem como objetivo contratar um profissional de nível superior para o cargo de Professor Adjunto A da área de Projetos Mecânicos.
Learning AutoCAD 3D: Tutorial 2013
For most draftsmen and designers, AutoCAD is the gateway to getting started in 3D modeling. AutoCAD is one of the best options for basic 3D modeling…
Professional Disclosure: Mechanical Engineer
Sou Engenheiro Mecânico de Produção (POLITÉCNICA) com especialização em Automação Industrial (SENAI) e 700 horas de treinamento no software Autodesk Inventor (2017/2018).
Presto serviços como autônomo de Modelagem 3D e desenhos de peças, dispositivos, equipamentos e ferramentas.
O preço dos serviços é em base hora. Também faço preço fechado para o trabalho, após receber todas as informações necessárias.
(11) 3064 4530 (11) 9 9998 9030
Requested Project - Tool C |End Day 14 fev 19|
FP Project Request
I need a design for a C tool for lifting concrete pipes, it has to support a load of 4 Tons and can't bend, i.e, with the tube hoisted, the part must be stable.
N2 Calculation Spreadsheets: Gear Formulas – Calculate Gears
Worksheet N2: Spreadsheet for calculating transmission by cylindrical gears.
User must inform engine speed, gear module and primitive diameter.
The worksheet will provide the various dimensions that make up the gear set that meets the transmission ratio.
FP Community Update: Members | forums | Activities
Acabamos de substituir o gerenciador de membros da Fábrica do Projeto, que já ha algum tempo apresentava problemas de acessibilidade. A partir de agora os membros poderão participar dos Fóruns de discussão com acesso simples e direto, realizando…
Requested Project – Kitchen for brewery 50 liters |End Day 30 jan 19|
FP Project Request
I would like to acquire a project for a brewery kitchen for 500 liters… just the kitchen
Requested Project - CRANE BRIDGE |End Day 23 jan 19|
FP Project Request
Good afternoon, I need a design for MONOVIGA overhead crane ( only mechanical part) with free range of 20,50 linear meters – between tracks of 21,50 linear meters, 40 linear meters of rail supported by existing columns, capacity of 2,5 toneledas total, trolley hoist to be used FEBA brand. MONOVIA height to the ground = 6 meters
Brachistochronous curve: The way faster than a straight
This issue appeared in June 1669, in the German mathematics magazine Acta Eruditorium, founded by Leibniz. At that time, it was common for mathematicians to pose challenges in this way and the Swiss mathematician Johann Bernoulli proposed the following: Given two points A and B on a vertical plane, what is the curve drawn from one point to another such that a particle under the action of gravity alone moves in the shortest time interval?…