Check through this article how it is possible to guarantee the safe use of your equipment affected by corrosion processes or other wear mechanisms, avoiding its early replacement and saving money and resources.
Used equipment and inspection reports
I have looked at various reports of used equipment and I have verified that inspection companies, which also issue structural analysis reports, have rejected equipment that could still be in normal use for a few more years (maybe even tens of years).
I found two types of reports:
1. Those who don't even define the failure modes being analyzed.
2. And those that treat used equipment as new.
I want to talk about the second one now.

A API norms 579 - PART 4 e 5, treats equipment with loss of thickness due to loss of material, whether by corrosion or another mechanism.
Some inspection companies, probably because lack of knowledge of the standard, treat used equipment as new., rejecting and requesting repairs, as soon as they find a point with thickness less than thickness with corrosion, as per project specification.
What defines the API standard 579?
A API 579 predict, joint analytical calculations with numerical calculations, in THREE LEVELS of inspections. Each of the Levels with higher degree of analysis complexity. Through the API 579 – it is possible to analyze localized corrosion, beyond the allowable design corrosion and enable or not the continued use of the equipment, in operation.
That is why, be sure to consult an experienced technician, before requesting financial resources from its directors and shareholders, for the replacement or repairs of your equipment.
Por Eng. Jose Roberto Pereira - Project Factory Member
Experience in design according to API 650 / ASME VIII-1 E ASME VIII-2
professional with 30 years of experience in Machine and 25 years of experience in Finite Element Analysis.
Also check out: Stress Analysis and Calculation Memory Development for Machines and Equipment
make a budget
became interested in the subject? Your company has equipment within the conditions presented? Make an appointment and quote and continue using your equipment safely: