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Transportadores de Arraste Transportadores de Arraste: Referência Técnica Transportadores de Arraste: Planilhas de Cálculo Acesso assinantes N3 na Fábrica do Projeto Transportadores de Arraste: Cálculos Online Acesso assinantes N0 ou N3 na Fábrica do Projeto

Conveyor belts

Correias Transportadoras Correias Transportadoras: Referência Técnica Correias Transportadoras: Planilhas de Cálculo Acesso assinantes N3 na Fábrica do Projeto Correias Transportadoras: Cálculos Online Acesso assinantes N0 ou N3 na Fábrica do Projeto

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Conveyors series: Conveyor belts

Today we started a series of very interesting publications for most engineers and designers: Industrial Conveyors. Also access our material, in previous publications, about Screw Conveyors, or Conveyor Threads. It has been proven that the conveyor belt is the simplest means, versatile and pervasive for cargo handling. This movement is performed through

Handouts of Machine Elements II of the Telecurso 2000

Hey guys! Below are links to the second part of the Telecurso booklets available 2000: VOLUME II Introduction-To-Transmission-Elements Shafts-And-Shafts Pulleys-And-Belts Chains Cables Transmission-threads Gears-I Gears-II Gears-III Gears-VI Gears-V Gears-VI Cam Coupling Introduction- Aos-Elementos-De-Fedacao Juncoes-I Juncoes-II Juncoes-III Source: Designing Machinery and Equipment? Also check the spreadsheets available at the Project Factory: Sign up as an N3 Member Needing Models […]

roller chains

Roller chains are a transmission option when the torque involved in the design is not supported by a belt transmission, when the system does not allow transmission slippage or when there is a special request, such as transporting materials with the use of additions to chains. There are currently several types on the market, […]

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