Preciso de um modelo de dosagem aqui na empresa onde trabalho, hoje o abastecimento na linha de serigrafia e feito manualmente como demostra na figura.
O operador pega o frasco de tinta e coloca uma certa quantidade na tela, gostaria…
1-FP Projects
Project requested [4 of June of 2014] – Complete packer for charcoal
I need a project for a machine with a reservoir for raw materials(coal)with scale,coal conveyor and sealer(esta poderia ser…
Project requested [4 of June of 2014] – Dump Bucket, Mining and Bulk
I need tipping bucket designs, mining and bulk. Also, if possible, buckets…
Project requested [30 from May of 2014] – Automation of Ink Supply
Preciso criar um meio de automatizar o processo de abastecimento de tinta aqui na empresa, hoje os operadores fazem muita bagunça e nem sempre a quantidade solicitada e aquela que está no frasco. Eles trabalham da seguinte forma, temos aqui várias cores em baldes de 3,5L, o operador pega esse balde e despeja sobre outro recipiente na…
Project requested [30 from May of 2014] – Spiral Freezing Tunnel
Project requested [29 from May of 2014] – Complete Project Cleaning Products Industry
Project requested [26 from May of 2014] – Seladora de caixa de papelão
Project requested [25 from May of 2014] – Garra Clamp-Shell
Project requested [14 from May of 2014] – Automotive Elevator
Project requested [6 from May of 2014] – air car carrier
Project requested [30 April 2014] – Automatic fish or ray making machine
Project requested [28 April 2014] – Fábrica de Argamassas
FP Projects: Bucket jig for tipper semi-trailer
Project: Bucket template for tipper semi-trailer of 10-20-25m3 Project Description: Versatile jig, with elevator and turntable, for welding ribs to plates. heat drainage system. Goals with pneumatic cylinders to press the ribs and ensure a better finish and durability of the bucket. All set made in […]
Project requested [10 April 2014] – Automotive Elevator
FP Projects: Tightness testing equipment
Project: Tightness Testing Equipment Project Description: We design equipment for leak testing with microprocessor data collector. Great performance and response. Project Images: Use the form below and send your inquiry to receive a budget for this project: Tags: projects-de-Paschoal-Projects,mechanical designs fp,mechanical design supplier, PFP, mechanic projectist, […]
FP Projects: Pipes and utilities design
Project: Piping and Utility Design Project Description: Pipeline design of the most diverse, may be from the utility network, products, acids, thermal oil, gases and whatever else is necessary to transport via air. Pipe Rack Project, supports and structural calculation. Developed in 3d with full material listing, […]