Autodesk Inventor para Facebook: Create an Interactive 3D Post!

The process starts in Inventor. The first thing you should consider is assembly size and complexity of model geometry.. It may be necessary to suppress unnecessary components or complex geometry from your design first. …

Parametric Projects: Custom 3D Stair Design with Inventor iLogic

Through programming, it is possible to automate numerous tasks and quickly develop similar or scalable projects. The possibilities are limitless. One of the good examples of application was developed by the Colombian, Eng. Nelson agudelo, demonstrating the possibility…

EMMA Project: Automated Application of Wear Coatings

Supported by Aneel's research and development program, Brazil's Sustainable Energy Partnership, with Lead laboratory at UFRJ, and the company Rijeza is …

Debate FP: Methodology for organizing digital drawings and projects

  Participate in this new debate promoted by Fábrica do Projeto on a subject directly linked to all engineering professionals, drawing and project: The Organization Methodology for Digital Drawings and Projects Files. The debate is based on the report and request of our colleague Rafael P. Benicio, Described below:       Our factory company […]

Autodesk Inventor 2018 – What's new

Inventor 2018 is designed for the ever-evolving needs of modern design and professional engineering. Based on its range of modeling capabilities and powerful project automation tools, the inventor 2018 marks the next step in professional-grade 3D mechanical engineering design. Interoperability enhancements allow teams to […]

E-nabling the future: Access to low-cost children's prostheses

E-nabling the future (or E-nable) is a worldwide movement made up of volunteers from all over the planet: engineers, artists, physiotherapists, designers, teachers, enthusiasts, families and ordinary people who want to make a difference. The idea is collaborative and aims to distribute knowledge to…

AUTOCAD 2014: Keyboard shortcuts and function keys

Increase your productivity in AutoCAD! Discover and enjoy more than 150 AutoCad Keyboard shortcuts! Check below. Also check out the FPCAD Autolisp Application for AutoCAD from the Boilermaking Planning Project Factory, Beams, Calculation of bills of materials and more! Discover AutoCAD Here: Learn 33 Tricks and Secrets Find out more […]

Circle of Lectures Institute of Engineering of São Paulo

  Autodesk and the Institute of Engineering, are promoting a series of lectures on BIM processes within topics relevant to the industry and infrastructure in Brazil. Following the opening lecture given by Arq. Msc. Ricardo Bianca now we will have another three, follow dates and topics. participate. Day 04 of June of 2014 […]

How to Copy or Duplicate Projects in Inventor Keeping References!

In countless situations, the inventor and other 3D modeling software users have the need to copy or reuse an assembly with all its parts and references. This process usually involves copying., changing the name and maintaining links between newly created files. For many users this is a […]

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