AutoCad: Lisp Routine for Indication of Position Balloons

PRESENTATION For AutoCad users the insertion of position indicators (balloons) in the drawing, In so many cases, is a task that requires time and patience.. In the most current versions there are features that perform this function more easily. The Project Factory developed a lisp routine to make this a more practical task. A […]

protecting (and unprotecting) your files with password: Autocad and more

Normally, in the project and documentation sector of a company, for transfer, sending or protecting drawings and designs, it is necessary to find a feature to prevent unwanted opening of files. The most versatile means of protecting files of any nature is the use of passwords. You already know how to enter a password in […]

AutoCad: Command Tips and Shortcuts

For AutoCad Users, shortcuts are fundamental tools to speed up the execution of commands and processes. AutoCad is packed with commands and shortcuts to run virtually all of its tools.. Find out more about the program, checking below a compilation of shortcuts made by the people of CadKlein, our partners here at […]

Autodesk Univerisity Brasil: Learn. log in. Explore!

Themed Learn, log in, Explore, will take place in São Paulo on Tuesday, morning 09/10/2012 the second edition of Autodesk University Brazil. AU Brasil will have more than 150 lectures taking place at Sheraton WTC. Among the speakers, there will be professionals from the sectors of: training, energy, oil and gas, architecture and construction, civil Engineering, manufacture, base industry, […]

Revista CAD PLANT 07 & 08/2012

Check out the latest in the most used Autodesk CAD software on the market. read below, in full, the July and August AUGI magazines 2012! Interesting tips in Autocad, Inventor, Revit, BIM, Navskork and much more, to accelerate the development of your project! Take a few minutes to get to know your work tools better! Boa […]

Virus in Autocad: Your projects can be in CHINA!!

businessmen, engineers, designers and draftsmen, this is serious and needs to be publicized.! Security company ESET discovered that a virus called ACAD/Medre. The pest was stealing thousands of information from companies and sending it to servers in China, according to the Telegraph. Malware found running alongside AutoCAD, widely used by industrial designers and architects. As […]

Autocad Integration with Kinect Tracking

This week a very interesting article about Autocad caught my attention.. KEAN WALMSLEY, Senior DevTech manager (the worldwide team of API gurus providing technical services through the Autodesk Developer Network), developed an API for Autocad when he realized that the version 1.5 Kinetic SDK provided the ability to generate a 3D mesh […]

Non-AutoCAD problems: Resolving your doubts

Hey guys! Today we share a very interesting spreadsheet for all AutoCad users. It was developed by Luciana Klein, da CADKlein, based on information requested by many AutoCad users, in the email exchange group formed by the author herself.
A planilha apresenta as soluções práticas para várias situações em que o usuário encontra dificuldade na utilização diária do AutoCad. Worth checking out and sharing!

Google Docs: Viewing and Sharing AutoCAD Files

Another interesting tool for viewing AutoCad generated files (DXF) via WEB! Google has just released a new update to its Google Docs service, which brings with it a number of new features, including support for an additional 12 popular software file types. The new update now lets you […]

Step by Step 3D Component Tutorial: AutoCad 2009

Follow Tutorial developed by Mauri Jones, with the step by step development of a 3D component in AutoCad 2009. Good Material to absorb methods and processes in the 3D AutoCad environment. Big hug! Good week!

Here's AutoCAD for Mac OS X

AutoCAD is one of the most “resistant” for Mac OS X, forcing many users to use Windows computers or, more recently, for working with Parallels Desktop type applications. Nonetheless, this could change very soon, why Autodesk seems to have realized the growing importance of Apple computers and […]

Free AutoCAD training arrives in São Paulo

SAO PAULO – Next Thursday, the Government of the State of São Paulo and Autodesk officially launch the AutoCAD Training Project. According to company advice, the program aims to train professionals in the capital and greater São Paulo. At first, the initiative should benefit more than four thousand people, […]

Line 2011 Autodesk software

Be sure to participate/watch the webcast of the newest Autodesk software releases. Will be held the next day 25 of March 2010, to the 13:00h Brasilia time (GMT -3:00/UTC 16:00) Register at: Autodesk Webcast This webcast will be led by Autodesk CEO, Carl Bass and Senior Vice President […]

Create PowerPoint presentation using DWF

There are many methods for placing an AutoCAD drawing inside a PowerPoint document. In most situations we place a static image of our drawing file on the slide (and we ask that our customer, for any reason, don't ask us to enlarge the design). In person, I discovered the best way to visualize a […]

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