Bombas e ventiladores AP

FP N3 Applications: Pressurized reservoir sizing worksheet

Pressurized reservoir sizing worksheet: Worksheet assists in the sizing and selection of pressurized reservoirs through pumps and compressed air. Calculates the total volume of the reservoir, security volume, volume of ar, reservoir diameter and inlet and outlet diameters.

FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for calculating positive lobe motor pump

Worksheet to help calculate positive lobe pump. Calculate power, flow and head.

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for calculating centrifugal pump for supplying reservoirs

Worksheet assists in the calculation and selection of centrifugal pump for supplying reservoirs, calculating power, flow rate, head, load losses, equivalent lengths and NSPH.

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for calculation and sizing of CIP set

Worksheet to aid in the calculation and sizing of the CIP set, calculating diameters, heights, installation distances, volumes, booster pump flow and chemical pump capacity.

FP N3 Applications: Positive Gear Pump Calculation Worksheet for Oil

Positive Gear Pump Calculation Worksheet for Oil Calculating Power, flow rate, pressure and other process quantities

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Calculating Rotor Axial Fan Geometry - Power and H

Spreadsheet for Geometry Calculation Rotor Axial Fan calculating power, diameters, angles and various geometrical magnitudes…

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Calculating Rotor Centrifugal Pump Geometry - Power and H

Applications FP Spreadsheet for Calculating Rotor Centrifugal Pump Geometry: Calculating drive power, hydraulic power, head and geometric dimensions for design and dimensioning

FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for Calculation of Positive Lobe Pump - According to APV

Worksheet for calculating Positive Lobe Pump for power, flow rate, head and other quantities for dimensioning and design

FP N3 Applications: Centrifugal Fan Calculation Worksheet 1 e 2 Bocas

FP Applications Spreadsheet for Centrifugal Fan Calculation 1 e 2 Bocas: Main output data: Motor power, RPM Rotor, Rotor Diameter and Width, Input Diameter

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Centrifugal Pump Calculation

FP Worksheet N3 Applications: Main output data: Motor power, Flow rate, Settlement Height

Calculation Spreadsheets: Centrifugal Motor Pump Calculation: Power and Sizing

Full View – Input and Output Data:      

Calculation Spreadsheets: Centrifugal pump rotors – Geometry Calculation, power and H

Full View – Input and Output Data:    

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