Spreadsheet for calculating local runoff in open channels of various geometries: rectangular channels, trapezoidal, triangular, circular. Applied on roofs, asphalt surfaces, roads among others.
FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for calculating residential and industrial hot water supply
Spreadsheet for calculation of consumption, generation and volume of hot water for residential or industrial installations.
FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for calculating steam generation and pipe diameters
Spreadsheet for steam production calculation, distribution line dimensioning, amount of condensate in the line, linear dilation, cost statement and location and calculation of pipe supports.
FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for calculating compressed air network diameter and piping
Worksheet for calculating compressed air networks, calculating air passage pipe diameter, cargo loss, air speed and system flow, with basic installation of generation system, treatment and distribution of compressed air.
FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for the Calculation of Heaters and Heat Exchangers Shell Tube
Worksheet for the Calculation of Heaters and Heat Exchangers Shell Tube with comprehensive calculation of process and design quantities
FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Calculating Rotor Centrifugal Pump Geometry - Power and H
Applications FP Spreadsheet for Calculating Rotor Centrifugal Pump Geometry: Calculating drive power, hydraulic power, head and geometric dimensions for design and dimensioning
FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for Calculation of Positive Lobe Pump - According to APV
Worksheet for calculating Positive Lobe Pump for power, flow rate, head and other quantities for dimensioning and design
FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Centrifugal Pump Calculation
FP Worksheet N3 Applications: Main output data: Motor power, Flow rate, Settlement Height