FP N3 Applications: Pressurized reservoir sizing worksheet

Pressurized reservoir sizing worksheet: Worksheet assists in the sizing and selection of pressurized reservoirs through pumps and compressed air. Calculates the total volume of the reservoir, security volume, volume of ar, reservoir diameter and inlet and outlet diameters.

FP N3 Applications: Worksheet for simplified tube selection, side and tops by internal pressure

FP Spreadsheet Apps for Simplified Pipe Selection, side and tops by internal pressure: Spreadsheet assists in calculations and selection of piping by acting internal pressure. Calculate wall thickness. Spreadsheet also provides parameters for…

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for calculating centrifugal pump for supplying reservoirs

Worksheet assists in the calculation and selection of centrifugal pump for supplying reservoirs, calculating power, flow rate, head, load losses, equivalent lengths and NSPH.

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for calculation and sizing of CIP set

Worksheet to aid in the calculation and sizing of the CIP set, calculating diameters, heights, installation distances, volumes, booster pump flow and chemical pump capacity.

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for calculating the distribution and forecasting of chilled water

Worksheet for sizing the chilled water distribution unit, with calculations of heat dissipation in the distribution network and reservoir, cooling power and reservoir capacity.

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