RT tanks and reservoirs

Calculation Formulas for Tanks and Reservoirs

Tanks and reservoirs are massively used by most industries and service providers to store a wide variety of materials. The Project Factory has already presented materials for research, tank development and design (https://www.fabricadoprojeto.com.br/2010/05/desenho-e-calculo-para-tanques-de-armazenamento/). Check out a simplified guide today with the main formulas for calculating and specifying reservoirs. We note that it is from […]

Storage Tank Design and Calculation

Very interesting technical material for the study and development of industrial tanks and reservoirs. API standard-based material 650, which considers tanks for storage of oil and oil products.

Gas Building Installation Project

To standard NBR14570:2000 establishes the minimum conditions required for the design and execution of internal installations to operate with Natural Gas (GN) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (GLP), in the vapor phase, with maximum working pressure of 150 kPa1. Building gas installations can be supplied either by street pipes or by a gas plant, […]

Stainless Steel Finishing Manual

Hey guys! Today we post a very good material developed by Acesita on Stainless Steel Finishing. Tip: Download and Use our Worksheets for Calculation and Dimensioning Atm Sanitary Tanks: Calculation Spreadsheets:  Equipment The importance of finishing stainless steel products is very important. It is known that corrosion resistance […]

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